Bronwen Black


Bronwen Black


Bronwen joined our team in 2017 as a summer articling student. She was called to the bar in 2019, and practices personal injury litigation and represents plaintiffs in motor vehicle and other bodily injury claims, as well as sexual assaults. Bronwen has appeared before all levels of Court in British Columbia, representing her clients in multi-week trials, interlocutory applications, and summary trials. She is known for her committed work ethic and passion for advocacy. She genuinely cares about her clients and applies a client-centered approach to every aspect of her work.

With respect to Bronwen’s broader engagement with the legal community; volunteerism has always been important to Bronwen. While in law school, Bronwen was elected as the Law Student Society Accessibility Representative; was a Program Coordinator for the University of Victoria’s chapter of Pro Bono Students Canada; and sat on the Editorial Board of the Appeal Law Journal. She was the proud recipient of a number of awards, including the Law Foundation of British Columbia’s Public Interest Award, and the coveted University of Victoria’s Ann Roberts Humanitarian Award. Present day, Bronwen enjoys  volunteering with Access Pro Bono Society of British Columbia, and sits on the CBABC Women Lawyers Forum Board and the Vancouver Bar Association Board of Directors.


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J.D. University of Victoria, 2018

B.A., University of Victoria, 2014


Professional Memberships & Affiliations

Called to the Alberta Bar in 2021

Called to the British Columbia Bar in 2019

Member of the Canadian Bar Association

Member of the Vancouver Bar Association

Member of the Law Society of British Columbia

Member of the CBABC Women Lawyers Forum